(A brief excerpt from his doctrinal debate) From his famous words which became the name of his book: I was guided by the light of Fatima… In response to the suspicion of the multiplicity of Sunnis and the scarcity of Shiism, first of all, the percentage of low Shiism according to your statistics is not correct, And secondly, the multiplicity and scarcity is not a proof of the correctness or incorrectness of the religion, as the Qur’an says, “but most of you were averse to the truth , وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَكُمْ لِلْحَقِّ كَارِهُونَ(زخرف: 43) ”
In response to unsubstantiated suspicions against Shiism: This statement of yours is not true because the Qur’an obliges us to speak with reason and argument, and I am one of the companions of reason and I prove with reason that the direct path is the religion of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) and nothing else…
In response to the cases of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra, peace be upon her, with Abu Bakr: First, according to Sahih Bukhari and other authentic Sunni books, the legitimacy of Hazrat Fatima in her disputes with Abu Bakr is clear and secondly, the Qur’an with the verses of purifying in Sura Insan (سوره انسان) and feeding the poor, the needy and the captive, and thirdly, the prophetic hadiths on the dignity of his daughter and other Ahl al-Bayt, which are abundantly seen in the books of the Sunnis. All this material is a reason to follow the religion of Ahl al-Bayt…
In response to the caliphate after the Messenger of God: The important thing after the death of the Messenger of God is the leadership of the ummah and the successor of the Prophet, that if we refer to the text of the truths and words of God and His Messenger instead of referring to the actions of some companions, which is incorrect, there is no doubt that Imam Ali is the immediate caliph… .
Apr 5 2022
Researchist Abdul Mun’em Hassan “Sudanese author”
(A brief excerpt from his doctrinal debate) From his famous words which became the name of his book: I was guided by the light of Fatima… In response to the suspicion of the multiplicity of Sunnis and the scarcity of Shiism, first of all, the percentage of low Shiism according to your statistics is not correct, And secondly, the multiplicity and scarcity is not a proof of the correctness or incorrectness of the religion, as the Qur’an says, “but most of you were averse to the truth , وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَكُمْ لِلْحَقِّ كَارِهُونَ(زخرف: 43) ”
In response to unsubstantiated suspicions against Shiism: This statement of yours is not true because the Qur’an obliges us to speak with reason and argument, and I am one of the companions of reason and I prove with reason that the direct path is the religion of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) and nothing else…
In response to the cases of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra, peace be upon her, with Abu Bakr: First, according to Sahih Bukhari and other authentic Sunni books, the legitimacy of Hazrat Fatima in her disputes with Abu Bakr is clear and secondly, the Qur’an with the verses of purifying in Sura Insan (سوره انسان) and feeding the poor, the needy and the captive, and thirdly, the prophetic hadiths on the dignity of his daughter and other Ahl al-Bayt, which are abundantly seen in the books of the Sunnis. All this material is a reason to follow the religion of Ahl al-Bayt…
In response to the caliphate after the Messenger of God: The important thing after the death of the Messenger of God is the leadership of the ummah and the successor of the Prophet, that if we refer to the text of the truths and words of God and His Messenger instead of referring to the actions of some companions, which is incorrect, there is no doubt that Imam Ali is the immediate caliph… .
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