Message of the House of the Prophet
Author: Shaikh Hasan Saeed Translator: Ali Quli Qarai Message of the House of the Prophet
Author: Shaikh Hasan Saeed Translator: Ali Quli Qarai Message of the House of the Prophet
Author: Allamah Syed Murteza Askari Translator: Jalil Dorrani The Role of Holy Imams in the Revival of Religion
“Ali Keiser”
Author: Dr. Ainur Raza The Fourteen Innocents (as)
Author: Al-Balagh Foundation Ahlul Bait the Prophets Household
Author: Muhammad Jawad Fadlullah About Imam Reza a.s
“Talib Joseph”
Author: Thomas McElwain A series of lectures outlining the fundamentals beliefs of Shia Islam present in the Bible, using proof-text method. Topics include Imam Hussain (as), Tragedy of Karbala, the Injeel & the event of Ghadeer. Shi’i beliefs in the Bible
Ali Adil Shah I was a prominent Sultan in 16th century India who converted to Shiism from his previously Sunni orthodox views.
Interview with Converted to Islam “Br. Justin”