I was very interested in studying and I always wanted to study Islamic religion, because I had no knowledge about my own religion and I knew that in the country of Iran and the city of Qom, you can learn pure Islam properly.
Quran, Islam, religion, Muslims, hijab, truth, justice, etc. are words that we have heard over the years and we have simply passed them by. Do we really know the contents of the Quran and Islam? How far have we moved from what God has placed in the existence of man, the highest of creations, and we have been careless towards it, at a time when the rumor of war and killing of defenseless Muslims by enemies is heard in every corner of the world to create Islamophobia among human societies and to create fear and terror towards the pure Islam of Muhammad (PBUH) and Alawi Shiism in the hearts of non-Muslims.
Now, in such a situation, in a corner of the world, a German lady named Dina Qara Zibaee, after going through all the difficulties, has been guided and changed, as she says, for several years and is studying as a veiled Muslim student in Jame’at Al-Zahra of Qom. .
- Sparks of guidance in the hands of the father
Dina Zibaee: My father’s family lives in Iran and is religious, but, on the contrary, my mother’s family is not religious. I remember I was 16 or 17 years old when my father, at the age of 50, was guided towards religion in a special way and was turned inside so that he studied and read all the interpretations in Persian language.
Gradually, my father asked me, are you a Muslim? Do you accept heaven and hell, the Qur’an and God, and he talked to me more about the principles of religion, and a question and answer was formed between us, why should we wear hijab? Why did God forbid pork and I used to ask my father and he would answer me with a rational reason? He raised such issues with me and said, “Don’t you want to know what Shia is?
- Feeling of regret from the past
She continued: I was a girl who was brought up in Germany before the age of 19 and I lived like Germans and I did not know much about my religion. So much that I got a strange feeling in my heart and I was upset. One day I came to myself, Dina, what are you doing now? I realized that the path I was taking was wrong and I felt regret. I felt empty and said to myself that God does not accept me.
She added: I realized from my father’s words that we are Muslims, but we do not follow the Quran. We didn’t have any prayer, hijab, or morals. I said to myself, well, what religion and what kind of Muslim we have, but it should be a Muslim with action. I had such concerns that changed my life. Of course, it was accompanied by difficulties, but with the help of God, I was able to continue it until today.
- I wanted to study the lesson of God
Dina Zibaee: I was 19 years old. Without any pressure from my father, I was invited to visit the holy Qom and Mashhad and travel to Iran. I had never seen the country of Iran and I traveled to the city of Qom and Mashhad for the first time. During that trip, many questions came to me when I saw the clothing of the clerics, why the clerics wear such clothes, and in the answer, I realized that religious scholars wear such clothes, and I said what kind of clothing the women wear, and I noticed the covering of their tents, this trip was a turning point. I was interested in studying and entering the field.
- Interest in Islamic Course
She said: I was very interested in studying and I wanted to study the lessons of God because I had no knowledge about my own religion and I knew that in the country of Iran and the city of Qom, the source of spirituality and Islam, one can learn to be a Muslim properly, and I made a promise to myself if I wanted to. To learn something, I must be where I can learn it.
My Field in Germany was accounting and Spanish language, and here I went through pre-university and became a student at Jame’at Al-Zahra. I have attended the second level, third level and master’s degree. My field is Quranic sciences and interpretation.
After visiting Qom and Mashhad, I gradually started wearing the hijab with a hat and shawl, and after a few years, I wore a tent when I started classes.
- My father was my main encouragement in this way
She added: “In the beginning, my mother, my family, and even my friends cut off their communication with me and were embarrassed, but after a while, they realized that I like this path and that I chose it because of my interest, and they saw this joy in me.” to live like this My father was my main encouragement in this way. God created love in my heart due to being away from my mother, which made me feel less homesick, and my mother also accepted and became morally better.
She said: My mother is in Germany and when I go there I will take care of my mother because this is emphasized in Islam. My mother understands that I am doing this because of our religion. In addition to me, my older sister came to Iran two years later and completed her seminary studies, and now she and I are in Iran. The condition of my marriage was that my husband must be a religious person.
She continued: Three years have passed since my marriage, and the condition of my marriage was that my husband must be a spiritual person, a fellow student, and he must be clothed by Clergy robes. It was very important for me to cover my husband as a cleric and to be dressed by Clergy robes. My family knew that I would choose such a person, but my friends did not think that I would marry an Iranian cleric. They are still surprised, of course, when they see the good manners of me and my husband, they express their happiness and it is very attractive to them that cleric can travel and communicate well with his wife and family.
- Be with the Qur’an – I calm down with talking to God
Zibaee Staded: I read the Quran when I am in pain and upset. I feel like God is talking to me and I feel so relaxed. Before I could not read Quran, I studied more to learn Arabic. Over time, I learned to translate it in the classroom, and I also read the German translation and interpretation of the Qur’an.
She added: “I calm down with talking to God and the Quran always helps me in this direction in my life.” It should be noted that there are various verses and topics in every field in the Qur’an. I always try to strengthen myself with the Qur’an.
In my opinion, it is not good to go to the Quran only when we are sad and have problems, I feel that it is human nature to connect with the Quran when we are sad, not when we are faced with happy moments.
- A person should be familiar with the Quran in any situation
She emphasized: “A person should get familiar with the Quran in any situation, study it and strengthen himself.” In the family, I see that they refer to the Qur’an only when making a vow or when a problem arises, and they do not devote more time to the Qur’an.
- The situation of Shiites in Germany
In Germany and in the city of Dortmund where I live, most of the Sunni minority live, and eight percent of the people in this area are Shiites because they do not allow Shiites to propagate their religion but Sunnis and Wahhabis promote their religion.
In a country like Germany, they don’t tend to tell people the truth about religion and other issues because they realize that many German people may accept Islam, that’s why they hate that their people tend to this direction. . They mostly try to make people without religion and the minority of Christianity attain the truth and live as their government and society likes.
- The situation of mosques and Islamic centers/Oppression of Shiites
She said: In the city of Hamburg, there is the Imam Ali (AS) mosque, the largest Shiite mosque, and activities are carried out in it during the month of Ramadan and Muharram. Long mourning for Muslims is not allowed in Germany. Shiites in Germany mostly work in houses that are known as Hussainiyya and have the status of a mosque. We have to get permission from the government for demonstrations, but Sunnis and Wahhabis have their own mosques, while Shiites are oppressed in this regard.
In the same university, Islam and Quranic sciences are taught within the framework, and they do not allow professors to teach about Hazrat Ali (a.s.), who was the rightful successor of the Prophet (s.a.w.w).
- The status of seminaries in Germany
She said: In order to propagate the religion and the Shiite religion, I do more face-to-face preaching, people who are on the street and people who belong to any type of religious minority, such as Christians, Jews, etc. I talk to them and answer their doubts, and talking about Islam and Shiism.
As mentioned, in Germany, there are houses that are known as Hosseiniyeh, where various ceremonies are held. Also, they organize Ghadir holidays among themselves and make a video of this ceremony, record the speeches themselves and broadcast them on the Internet.
- Emphasis on creating unity among all religions
Dina Zibaee: Considering the emphasis of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali (PBUH) on unity between Muslims, there should not be a difference between Sunnis and Shiites because the enemies are always trying to disrupt everything by creating divisions between Shiites and Sunnis and war between Muslims promote against Muslims. While we all follow the same religion and must be in harmony with each other.
She continued: Regarding the issue of veiling and hijab, when people in Germany see my veil, if they express disinterest, we cannot attract them, but people who have questions and are interested in hijab, we will introduce them to books and They have to learn Persian and some books have been translated into German.
Most of the books and narratives suggest that they tend towards this direction little by little, because some people want to change immediately, but they need time. It takes months and even weeks until people dare to wear hijab. Because they think they will be shamed in society, but the passing of time and patience and studying will help them in this way.
Zibaee added: People wearing hijab are allowed to enter university centers in Germany freely. You can wear a tent and wear a hijab. The issue of covering in schools may be a problem because of friends and classmates. In some German universities, prayer rooms and ablutions have been built for Muslims, which was not the case in the past.
Feb 18 2024
Converted to Shia Islam – Dina Qara Zibaee
I was very interested in studying and I always wanted to study Islamic religion, because I had no knowledge about my own religion and I knew that in the country of Iran and the city of Qom, you can learn pure Islam properly.
Quran, Islam, religion, Muslims, hijab, truth, justice, etc. are words that we have heard over the years and we have simply passed them by. Do we really know the contents of the Quran and Islam? How far have we moved from what God has placed in the existence of man, the highest of creations, and we have been careless towards it, at a time when the rumor of war and killing of defenseless Muslims by enemies is heard in every corner of the world to create Islamophobia among human societies and to create fear and terror towards the pure Islam of Muhammad (PBUH) and Alawi Shiism in the hearts of non-Muslims.
Now, in such a situation, in a corner of the world, a German lady named Dina Qara Zibaee, after going through all the difficulties, has been guided and changed, as she says, for several years and is studying as a veiled Muslim student in Jame’at Al-Zahra of Qom. .
Dina Zibaee: My father’s family lives in Iran and is religious, but, on the contrary, my mother’s family is not religious. I remember I was 16 or 17 years old when my father, at the age of 50, was guided towards religion in a special way and was turned inside so that he studied and read all the interpretations in Persian language.
Gradually, my father asked me, are you a Muslim? Do you accept heaven and hell, the Qur’an and God, and he talked to me more about the principles of religion, and a question and answer was formed between us, why should we wear hijab? Why did God forbid pork and I used to ask my father and he would answer me with a rational reason? He raised such issues with me and said, “Don’t you want to know what Shia is?
She continued: I was a girl who was brought up in Germany before the age of 19 and I lived like Germans and I did not know much about my religion. So much that I got a strange feeling in my heart and I was upset. One day I came to myself, Dina, what are you doing now? I realized that the path I was taking was wrong and I felt regret. I felt empty and said to myself that God does not accept me.
She added: I realized from my father’s words that we are Muslims, but we do not follow the Quran. We didn’t have any prayer, hijab, or morals. I said to myself, well, what religion and what kind of Muslim we have, but it should be a Muslim with action. I had such concerns that changed my life. Of course, it was accompanied by difficulties, but with the help of God, I was able to continue it until today.
Dina Zibaee: I was 19 years old. Without any pressure from my father, I was invited to visit the holy Qom and Mashhad and travel to Iran. I had never seen the country of Iran and I traveled to the city of Qom and Mashhad for the first time. During that trip, many questions came to me when I saw the clothing of the clerics, why the clerics wear such clothes, and in the answer, I realized that religious scholars wear such clothes, and I said what kind of clothing the women wear, and I noticed the covering of their tents, this trip was a turning point. I was interested in studying and entering the field.
She said: I was very interested in studying and I wanted to study the lessons of God because I had no knowledge about my own religion and I knew that in the country of Iran and the city of Qom, the source of spirituality and Islam, one can learn to be a Muslim properly, and I made a promise to myself if I wanted to. To learn something, I must be where I can learn it.
My Field in Germany was accounting and Spanish language, and here I went through pre-university and became a student at Jame’at Al-Zahra. I have attended the second level, third level and master’s degree. My field is Quranic sciences and interpretation.
After visiting Qom and Mashhad, I gradually started wearing the hijab with a hat and shawl, and after a few years, I wore a tent when I started classes.
She added: “In the beginning, my mother, my family, and even my friends cut off their communication with me and were embarrassed, but after a while, they realized that I like this path and that I chose it because of my interest, and they saw this joy in me.” to live like this My father was my main encouragement in this way. God created love in my heart due to being away from my mother, which made me feel less homesick, and my mother also accepted and became morally better.
She said: My mother is in Germany and when I go there I will take care of my mother because this is emphasized in Islam. My mother understands that I am doing this because of our religion. In addition to me, my older sister came to Iran two years later and completed her seminary studies, and now she and I are in Iran. The condition of my marriage was that my husband must be a religious person.
She continued: Three years have passed since my marriage, and the condition of my marriage was that my husband must be a spiritual person, a fellow student, and he must be clothed by Clergy robes. It was very important for me to cover my husband as a cleric and to be dressed by Clergy robes. My family knew that I would choose such a person, but my friends did not think that I would marry an Iranian cleric. They are still surprised, of course, when they see the good manners of me and my husband, they express their happiness and it is very attractive to them that cleric can travel and communicate well with his wife and family.
Zibaee Staded: I read the Quran when I am in pain and upset. I feel like God is talking to me and I feel so relaxed. Before I could not read Quran, I studied more to learn Arabic. Over time, I learned to translate it in the classroom, and I also read the German translation and interpretation of the Qur’an.
She added: “I calm down with talking to God and the Quran always helps me in this direction in my life.” It should be noted that there are various verses and topics in every field in the Qur’an. I always try to strengthen myself with the Qur’an.
In my opinion, it is not good to go to the Quran only when we are sad and have problems, I feel that it is human nature to connect with the Quran when we are sad, not when we are faced with happy moments.
She emphasized: “A person should get familiar with the Quran in any situation, study it and strengthen himself.” In the family, I see that they refer to the Qur’an only when making a vow or when a problem arises, and they do not devote more time to the Qur’an.
In Germany and in the city of Dortmund where I live, most of the Sunni minority live, and eight percent of the people in this area are Shiites because they do not allow Shiites to propagate their religion but Sunnis and Wahhabis promote their religion.
In a country like Germany, they don’t tend to tell people the truth about religion and other issues because they realize that many German people may accept Islam, that’s why they hate that their people tend to this direction. . They mostly try to make people without religion and the minority of Christianity attain the truth and live as their government and society likes.
She said: In the city of Hamburg, there is the Imam Ali (AS) mosque, the largest Shiite mosque, and activities are carried out in it during the month of Ramadan and Muharram. Long mourning for Muslims is not allowed in Germany. Shiites in Germany mostly work in houses that are known as Hussainiyya and have the status of a mosque. We have to get permission from the government for demonstrations, but Sunnis and Wahhabis have their own mosques, while Shiites are oppressed in this regard.
In the same university, Islam and Quranic sciences are taught within the framework, and they do not allow professors to teach about Hazrat Ali (a.s.), who was the rightful successor of the Prophet (s.a.w.w).
She said: In order to propagate the religion and the Shiite religion, I do more face-to-face preaching, people who are on the street and people who belong to any type of religious minority, such as Christians, Jews, etc. I talk to them and answer their doubts, and talking about Islam and Shiism.
As mentioned, in Germany, there are houses that are known as Hosseiniyeh, where various ceremonies are held. Also, they organize Ghadir holidays among themselves and make a video of this ceremony, record the speeches themselves and broadcast them on the Internet.
Dina Zibaee: Considering the emphasis of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali (PBUH) on unity between Muslims, there should not be a difference between Sunnis and Shiites because the enemies are always trying to disrupt everything by creating divisions between Shiites and Sunnis and war between Muslims promote against Muslims. While we all follow the same religion and must be in harmony with each other.
She continued: Regarding the issue of veiling and hijab, when people in Germany see my veil, if they express disinterest, we cannot attract them, but people who have questions and are interested in hijab, we will introduce them to books and They have to learn Persian and some books have been translated into German.
Most of the books and narratives suggest that they tend towards this direction little by little, because some people want to change immediately, but they need time. It takes months and even weeks until people dare to wear hijab. Because they think they will be shamed in society, but the passing of time and patience and studying will help them in this way.
Zibaee added: People wearing hijab are allowed to enter university centers in Germany freely. You can wear a tent and wear a hijab. The issue of covering in schools may be a problem because of friends and classmates. In some German universities, prayer rooms and ablutions have been built for Muslims, which was not the case in the past.
By english • Shia converts magazine • 0 • Tags: Converted to Shia, Dina Qara Zibaee, Mostabserin, Reborn, Shia Islam, دینا قراء زیبایی, مستبصرین