Hazrat Abbas birth: Hazrat Abbas was born at Medina on 7th Rajab/4th Shabaan 26 A.H. (645 A.D.). When the news of his birth reached Hazrat Ali, he prostrated himself on the ground as a token of his humble thanks to God.
Author: Abu Talib Al‐Tabrizi Al Abbas A.S
(Whole life of Hazrat Abbas a.s and Highlights his sterling qualities) Author: World Islamic Network Al Abbas a.s Acknowledgement
Congratulations on the Birthday of Hazrat Abbas (A.S)
Hazrat Abbas birth: Hazrat Abbas was born at Medina on 7th Rajab/4th Shabaan 26 A.H. (645 A.D.). When the news of his birth reached Hazrat Ali, he prostrated himself on the ground as a token of his humble thanks to God.