Author: Dr. Isam al-Imad Translator: Sayyid Iraj Razzaqi A STRIFE-FREE DIALOGUE
Author: Dr. Isam al-Imad Translator: Sayyid Iraj Razzaqi A STRIFE-FREE DIALOGUE
Author(s): Muhammad Legenhausen Prophet Muhammad from the Shi‘ah Perspective This text discusses Prophet Muhammad (S) from the Shi’i perspective. The author explores the exalted status of the Prophet (S) as described in influential Shi’ite literature. He also compares it with the view of the Prophet (S) as held by the Sunni school as well […]
Authored by: Mr Mateen Joshua Charbonneau Edited by: Sayed Jawad Haider Syedain Christians Who Defended and Died for Prophet Muhammad and his Family In researching Islamic history, I have found in many cases that some of the Christian’s who lived during the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), and also during the times of […]
Author: MATEEN JOSHUA CHARBONNEAU “The Suffering of the Ahl ul Bayt and their Followers (Shia) throughout History”
Author: Gary Carl (Muhammad) Legenhausen Spirituality in Shia Islam An Overview This text gives an overview of Shi’ite spirituality comparing it with Christian spirituality.
Author: Dr. Abdul-Baqi Qarne Al-Jaza’ri Translated from Arabic to French MU’ÂWIYAH IBN ABÎ SUFYÂN
Author: Gary Carl (Muhammad) Legenhausen The Irfan Of Imam Ali (a.s) This text analyses the meaning of the word Irfan and its significance in Islamic Philosophy, and how it can be applied in the sense of special esoteric knowledge of God to the life and example of Imam Ali (as).
Author: Gary Carl (Muhammad) Legenhausen Allamah Tabataba’i’s Footnote to Mulla Sadra’s Proof of the Sincere This text is a note that ‘Allamah Tabataba’i wrote about Mulla Sadra’s Asfar pertaining to a proof for the existence of God, called the burhan al-siddiqin (proof of the sincere).
Author: Dr. Abdelrahman M. Yeddi Elnoor From Darkness of Saqeefa’s Astray to the Guidance Light of the Ship
Invitation to Islam: A Survival Guide
Author: Thomas McElwain Invitation to Islam A Survival Guide This work is geared towards a Muslim audience. The author’s intention is to make Muslim contacts with those of other faiths more productive. Includes spirituality, theological differences between Christianity and Islam, practices compared, secularism, and da’wa (call to faith).