Tehzeeb ul Islam
Tehzeeb ul Islam Author: Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlesi (R.A) Categories: Theological library. Tehzeeb ul Islam Written more than 100 years ago… One of the most essential books for every Muslim home. It is one of oldest book and was written a century back by Allama Majlisi. This book contains the explanation and rules for […]
The Manuscript of Religious Criticism written by converted and great scholar, the deceased, Hosseingholi Jadidul Islam.
The Manuscript of Religious Criticism written by converted and great scholar, the deceased, Hosseingholi Jadidul Islam. Categories: Shia converts magazine. A Christian who became Shi’a in Qajar era and wrote a book in rejecting Sunnis, Christians, Sufis, philosophers, Babiha and Shaikhiye.