MMA legend Garry Goodridge appeared as a guest on the Deen Show, the popular Youtube channel of Eddie Redzovic, owner and instructor of Team Redzovic BJJ in Chicago,and he made an interesting revelation that he “recently converted to Shia Islam”.
Goodridge fought in UFC 8 armed only with his experience on boxing and with less than a month of experience in the art of Kuk Soon Wol.
He was also a multiple world arm wrestling champion. He defeated arm wrestling greats like Sharon Remez and John Brzenk in 1991 and again in 1994. He was also the super heavyweight amateur boxing champion of Canada.
Nov 24 2020
MMA Gary Goodridge converts to Shia Islam
MMA legend Garry Goodridge appeared as a guest on the Deen Show, the popular Youtube channel of Eddie Redzovic, owner and instructor of Team Redzovic BJJ in Chicago,and he made an interesting revelation that he “recently converted to Shia Islam”.
Goodridge fought in UFC 8 armed only with his experience on boxing and with less than a month of experience in the art of Kuk Soon Wol.
He was also a multiple world arm wrestling champion. He defeated arm wrestling greats like Sharon Remez and John Brzenk in 1991 and again in 1994. He was also the super heavyweight amateur boxing champion of Canada.
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