Dr. Esaam Ali Yahya Al-Emaad
Dr. Esaam Ali Yahya Al-Emaad Categories: Autobiographies of converts(of those converted to Shiaism) Dr. Essam Al-Emaad is converted from Yemen (born 1968 AD). His father Ali Yahya Al-Emaad and his uncle, Abdul Rahman Al-Emaad, are among the greatest Salafi and Wahhabi scholars in Yemen. In addition to his father, uncle and cousins, his two […]
Burhan Nizam Shah I
Burhan Nizam Shah I Categories: Autobiographies of converts(of those converted to Shiaism) Burhan Nizam Shah I, was ruler of the Ahmednagar Sultanate, in Central India. He ascended the throne on the death of his father Ahmad Nizam Shah I in 1508[1] or 1510 when he was seven years old.[2] He died in 1553 and […]