A newly Converted to Islam from Thailand
A newly converted to Islam from Thailand requests in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (peace be upon him)
A newly converted to Islam from Thailand requests in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (peace be upon him)
I was very interested in studying and I always wanted to study Islamic religion, because I had no knowledge about my own religion and I knew that in the country of Iran and the city of Qom, you can learn pure Islam properly. Quran, Islam, religion, Muslims, hijab, truth, justice, etc. are words that […]
Imam Hussain’s story influenced Sukayna’s life and was a turning point. “Imam Hussain’s story was very exciting for me. I wished to know about his family and his relationship to God and this made me search about him”. Sukayna says that the special feature of the story of Imam Hussain (AS) made her become […]
Dr. Amina from Morocco Converted to Shia by following the debate between Dr. Esaam al-Emaad and Wahhabi scholar
Sister Amina Inloes grew up in Southern California, USA. Her interest in religion started when she began high school. Sr. Amina then discovered Islam where she further examined numerous Islamic books and references especially the Holy Quran and as a result, she became interested to the degree of conviction.
Indian-Canadian brother Mr. Gurtej Singh Bhatti converted to Shia Islam in Holly Shrine of Imam Reza (a.s)
I studied Quran and understood that this book is right and correct and doesn’t tell except the truth and wants to show human the truth and reality. Finally, after two years of hard studying, I became Muslim. I have read a lot about differences between Shia and Sunni and finally got that Shia is […]
Women who want to try western lifestyle should know that we have tried it and we failed. Mistakes should not be repeated. All the institutions of the family, women’s affection and personality have been destroyed in the West. Her identity is lost due to the loss of women’s hijab and purity. Many western women, […]
EX-Wahabi “Salman Haddadi” converts to Shia Islam Emotional story of Salman, a Wahabi, who converts to Shia Islam and faces many hardships along the way. Wahabism is an extremist ideology in Islam
Ali, a Jordanian Reborn and Writer
He was aware of the pressures he will face after converting to Shiism; says: I immigrated for purely religious reasons, I wrote some books and I knew that if it was published in Jordan, it would affect my life and work and I would be harassed by society and security.