Sister Laura Converts to Shia Islam in TV Studio
Amazing video of a sister who converts to Islam and embraces this beautiful religion in the TV studio.
Amazing video of a sister who converts to Islam and embraces this beautiful religion in the TV studio.
“sister Trina Firth from Canada” Ex-Christian A journey like no other, Reborn speaks to those amongst us who have returned to the eternal faith and how they came to where they are.
Author: Shaykh al-Mufīd Translator: I. K. A. Howard Kitãb al-Irshãd
“Malika Underwood” A journey like no other, Reborn speaks to those amongst us who have returned to the eternal faith and how they came to where they are.
Author: Syed Masood Ali Rizvi Convenant by Ali a.s
“Diana Beatty“ A journey like no other, Reverts World speaks to those amongst us.
Author: Complied by Unknowns Death A Beautiful Gift for A Believer
“katrina Teresia From Sweden“ Ex. Christian A journey like no other, Reborn speaks to those amongst us who have returned to the eternal faith and how they came to where they are.
“Julian bond” What did Imam Hussain (as) really stand for and what did he die for. He was an ambassador not just for Muslims but for the whole of humanity. The message of Imam Hussain (as) was for all faiths.
Bilal Ali, Reversion Story
Join Abd Al Rauf Shokoya and Bilal Ali as he shares his unique reversion story. A journey like no other, Reverts World speaks to those amongst us who have returned to the eternal faith and how they came to where they are