Seyed Muhamma Taqi Hosseini Verjani


Who is Mr. Seyed Muhamma Taqi Hosseini Verjani?

Retrieved from his personal blog and the site of Quraniun with a little editing:

Many people may not have heard this name… Mr. Seyed Muhamma Taqi Hosseini Verjani, converted and guided which after deviating from Shiism into the so-called Quranic flows, returned to the Shi’ite lap.

Seyed Muhamma Taqi Hosseini Verjani was born in the village of Varjan in 1332. Varghan is one of villages around Qom and is located 20 km from the city. His father Seyyed Mostafa was a simple farmer with piety. He says: My father was not literate, but he was a simple, sincere and faithful man, who lived with agriculture.

Seyyed Mohammad Taqi originally was a resident of Jasb-Qom and his ancestors were all Sadat (سادات) residents in Jasb.

Jasb is a region which formed by several villages, and is famous to this name. This region is about 110 km far from Qom and nowadays it is one of the environs of the markazi province. It is also the area where many Sadat have migrated to and have lived there. In this way, Mr. Verjani’s genealogy comes to the sons of Imam Reza and Imam Musa Kazim (a.s). But the reason why the prefix of their surname is Hosseini, not Razavi or Mousavi, is that his father’s ancestor, was named as Haj Seyed Hossein, so for this appointment his family have been named him by Hosseini.

Mr. Verjani says his father and grandfather have been living for a long time in Jasb, but after a while, they left the area and migrated to Verjan, where he was born. After his migration, his father married at the same village in Verjan, and stayed there, but all relatives, ancestors and cousins ​​stayed in Jasb and did not leave the area.

Seyed Mohammad Taqi has written in his biography: The area where our ancestors were lived is with the good weather area which has not developed much. some Keramat (کرامات) has been quoted from his ancestors who lived in Jasb. Even some of them were clergymen and people returned to them in religious affairs.

Seyed Mohammad Taqi, for the sake of his family’s religious background, had adhered to religious issues from the very beginning and he was performing his religious duties, such as prayer and fasting, fully. He adhered to these issues, which even became known virtuous among children among his peers and during the holy month of Ramadan, he was Imam Jama’at of children at school and according to himself, about 150students were praying behind him. also he had many cultural activities in the two mosques in village along with other children and has always been a leader in these matters.

He also had a keen interest to be clergy and was eager to study seminary courses. He says, his interest to seminary was absolutely hearty and his father was also interested, his son be a cleric. In addition, most people in the area suggested to his father that because your son is a pious, believing and Worshipers child, it is good to go to Qom to study Islamic courses.

However, Seyyed Mohammad Taqi spent his childhood in the village and there he studied up to six elementary classes. As mentioned, his father was not educated, and there were no educational facilities for him.

His life was on the same lines till a severe drought comes in the village of Verjan and the agriculture of all the people were damaged, including his father. As a result, their financial conditions were tightened.

Seyyed Mohammad Taqi to save from this incident, Inevitably, he traveled to Tehran in 1345, when his age did not exceed 13 years and stayed there.

At the beginning he was very upset from immigration to Tehran, because his goal was to go to Qom and enter the seminary, but the facilities and conditions for fulfilling their dreams were not provided and his age also wasn’t enough to provide a house in Qom and study there.

In any case, he worked in the “Haft Chenar” district of Tehran, in the street known as Hesam al-Saltanah, now known as Hessamoddin, at his dad’s cousin’s dairy shop. Throughout his work, all of his thought was that God provided a means to enter the seminary and study the seminary lessons. During the work period, all of his thoughts and words was that God provide a means to be able to enter the Islamic field and study Islamic subjects.

Seyyed Mohammad Taqi on Fridays and holiday was attending the Majlis and was sitting in front of speeches and participating at other religious ceremonies. Sometimes he was going to the mosque and participate the Namaz with Jama’at and Quranic lectures. He writes this in his memories: On holidays I tried to follow my heart’s request i.e. Hei’at, mosque, the Qur’an, and so on. And I constantly prayed in my Namaz that a field could be set up so that I could enter the seminary.

The first book which he bought was “Helyat ul Muttaqin” by Allamah Majlisi. He tried to study this valuable book in free times during the duty in shop.

One day, Seyyed Mohammad Taqi was walking on Hessam al-Saltanah Street that the board attracted his opinion, on the board was written “Scientific Husseiniye of Hujjat”.

After observing the board, he went to Husseiniye and ask about that. He got that the head of this Husseiniye is Haj Aqa Muhaqqiq. He went to him promptly after salam and aske: I work in Tehran in this area and I like to come and study half a day, is it possible for me?

Mr. Muhaqqiq replied: If you want to study, you must leave the job. Seyyed Mohammad Taqi asked: So what about livelihood? In our village there is a severe drought and I have come to Tehran to work and my salary is just 3 tomans per day and I will inevitably send a ninety tomans a month, which means that I send all my salary to the village for my family. Mr. Muhaqqiq replied: God is great, you study and trust to God.

Seyyed Mohammad Taqi after this conversation went to the store and told his cousin: I want to study and not interested to wark in store anymore. His cousin surprised and asked: why u want to leave the job? If your salary is less, I can increase it. Muhammad Taqi replied: It is not about salary, interesting to study has attracted me.

Finally, he left the job and went to Husseiniye of Jujjat in on Hessam al-Saltanah Street and started to study.

One of his teachers was Mr. Shahsawari which was teaching the “Lum’a and Makasib and also Ethics”. From the beginning Seyyed Mohammad Taqi had especial devotion to him. In his words, Mr. Shahsawari was scientist man, believer and pious and has special interest on him.

Seyyed Mohammad Taqi studied about one year in that school. After about 2 months, his parent got that he has left the job and followed the study. They were very happy and thanks to God, gradually money was earned and the agriculture in the village also got better and the background was provided so that he would continue his study.

After a year he returned to Qom for continue his study. And continued his education in a rented house in Qom. By his saying, he has had many miscellaneous studies during his Islamic study.

Finally, after graduation and finishing primary study and excellent levels, he selected as an Imam e jama’at at 50 decades, also after a while he was also appointed as Imam e Jum’a of the village of Varjan. He says: this was the beginning of my acquaintance with some marketers in Qom and also know the ideas of some people like “Qalamdaran” or “Qura’niun misguided sect”.

Seyyed Mohammad Taqi studied all the books of Heidar Ali Qalamdaran and the criticism of his books, and shared with most lecturers of Hoza (Islamic center).

Who are the Qalamdaran?

Heidar Ali Qalamdaran Qomi (b. 1913, d. 1989) from village of Dizijan-Qom and he was resident in Qom.

He has been a supporter of the Salafist and deviant Qur’anic currents. Certify by history, he was also believer of people like Mohammad Khalesizadeh and Abolfazl Borgei. They were the author of some books which was opposite to Shiite beliefs, and even some religious and political celebrities have had negative intellectual effects.

Who are the Quraniun?

ًQuraniun is a name that refers to the semi-Islamic current that originated in Egypt and it has gained some support inside and gradually outside the Egypt. The Quraniun is a name originally given to them by their opponents, but they don’t mind being called by this name, rather, they are proud of it and refer to themselves as “the people of the Qur’an”.

This thought was gradually spread to other Islamic blocs and found some supporters in Iran.

The Qur’an generally calls themselves only “Muslim” and avoids attributing themselves to Sunnis and Shiites.

The intellectual origin of the Qur’aniun can be attributed to the historical speech of the Second Caliph. At the time of death of prophet (s.a.w.w), when prophet (s.a.w.w) asked for ink and pen to testify and save the people from misleading, second Califia refused and emboldened the great Prophet of Islam and said he was delirious because of the disease! Then he said, “حسبنا کتاب الله, the Qur’an is enough for us.”

And this sentence led the Umma to misguide the people of Ahlul Bayt and the Qur’aniun also departed from this thought from Prophetic tradition and the traditions of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s) and they only interpret the Qur’an with their wits and they claim to act only on the Qur’an and while the Holy Qur’an has explicitly rejected this thought:

“هُوَ الَّذی أَنْزَلَ عَلَیْکَ الْکِتابَ مِنْهُ آیاتٌ مُحْکَماتٌ هُنَّ أُمُّ الْکِتابِ وَ أُخَرُ مُتَشابِهاتٌ فَأَمَّا الَّذینَ فی قُلُوبِهِمْ زَیْغٌ فَیَتَّبِعُونَ ما تَشابَهَ مِنْهُ ابْتِغاءَ الْفِتْنَةِ وَ ابْتِغاءَ تَأْویلِهِ وَ ما یَعْلَمُ تَأْویلَهُ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَالرَّاسِخُونَ فِی الْعِلْمِ یَقُولُونَ آمَنَّا بِهِ کُلٌّ مِنْ عِنْدِ رَبِّنا وَ ما یَذَّکَّرُ إِلاَّ أُولُوا الْأَلْبابِ”

(آل عمران/7)

“It is He Who sent down upon you the Book, in which some verses have clear meaning, they are the substanceof the Book, and others are those, in the meaning of which there is doubt. Those in whose hearts there isperversity pursue doubtful one desiring deviation and searching their own viewpoint of it, and its rightinterpretation is known to Allah alone. And those of firm knowledge say, ‘We believed in it, all is from our Lordand none accept admonition save men of understanding.”

(Al-i’Imran / 7)

Continuation of the biography of Professor Hosseini Verjani:

Verjani gradually became associated with the works of Heidar Ali Qalamdaran and became close to him.

During 6 years besides studying seminary courses, he had some discussion and debates with him. Verjani wrote in his memories: unfortunately, gradually his believes effect on me and I was agreed by his thought and the opposition I had with him became friendship and companionship.

Seyyed Mohammad Taqi during these intellectual deviations became acquainted with Abul-Fazl Bourqe’I and studied his book and the people same to him Who were in the way of Salafist and thought and it came to a point where he studied most of the books written by this group of intellectual tendency.

Seyyed Mohammad Taqi strengthened his scientific foundation with the increase in the volume of study compared to the books of the Qur’aniun and other books and became dominant all the fundamentals of this deviant thinking.

After a few years, he was considered part of this perverse sect and he Was dismissed from imamate jum’aa.

He undressed himself from clergy after these incidents and then left for Tehran.

In Tehran he became acquainted with Mustafa Hosseini Tabatabai (b. 1935 AD) which is the follower of Qur’aniun’s thought. Varjani had been friends with him for years and debated with him on scientific issues. Hosseini Tabatabai in this way, found agreements with him and introduced him new books and reported new things in this field to him, in fact he was intellectual help for Tabatabai and had a great influence on his ideas and believes. Even introduced many books that Hosseini Tabatabai didn’t know about their printing. Whenever Hosseini Tabatabai was not present, Sayyid Mohammad Taqi would give the congregational prayer among his followers and managed the programs. Seyyed Mohammad Taqi writes about his relationship with Hosseini Tabatabai: This relationship lasted a long time and we had 25 years of friendship.

Seyyed Mohammad Taqi never thought of going back to the ideas he had believed for many years. He had scientific discussions with many people and he was never willing to come short. After some time, he had some meeting with some Shiite religious scholars and professors in Tehran and gradually, this thought came to his mind to rethink his thoughts and opinions, which had become a complete change of opinion in him.

While discussing the beliefs he had with some of his well-meaning friends, Professor Varjani began to discover many of his false beliefs and he was sure of his past thoughts and it was God’s grace that included him.

Finally, the faithful teachers of Tehran offered him some points from differets sources like “the book Al-Qarat (الغارات)” that led him to be guide.

After extensive research and work, Varjani began to disagree with Hosseini Tabatabai and wrote pamphlets on his criticism.

It is also quoted from him that after reaching the final scientific results in proving the legitimacy of the Ahlul Bayt school, saw two dreams and took them to the good presage and was reassured.

These dreams will be made public soon.

In his memoirs, Verjani writes: I have lived with Mr. Qalamdaran and Borqe’i and Tabatabai for nearly 30 years and I’m fully familiar with the thoughts and works of these people and because I’ve been with them for years and after that I have changed, the content I am giving is completely justified and verified with reason and argument and if anyone is interested, I can provide relevant books and I’m ready to answer any questions and doubts in this field.

May God Succeed us so that we can walk in the way that pleases Him.

Some of the articles by Mr. Hosseini Verjani have been posted on his own blog as well as the Qur’aniun website.

He currently resides in Qom and unfortunately he has Parkinson’s disease. We ask God Almighty for their immediate healing.